@support I forgot one more question. This is about the strategies allowed to participate in the contest, which have required a shape ratio of 0.7 since 2006. My take is that requirement limits the universe of strategies to those that generalize over long-term periods, meaning that if the patterns persist over time, it will profit from them in the long run. However, some strategies that might work well now (2024-2025) might not have worked well in the past, implying that there's a limit to using dynamic strategy as the market evolves. Some strategies might have a good Sharpe ratio in old periods (let's say 2006-2015), whereas other strategies might perform well after 2015 due to changes in market dynamics. I guess it might not be clear, but summarizing, how can we deal with strategies that might work in recent times but not in the past, which might lead to a low Sharpe ratio (past = bad, present = good, overall= bad) and no consideration for the contest. Can I submit a notebook with different models depending on the moment in time we are in? Let's say I want to use X model for 2006-2015 and Y model for 2015 onwards. If the performance is good, can the notebook (which contains multiple models) be accepted?